“Dott. Pederzoli” hospital, Peshiera del Garda
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The challenge
The “Dott. Pederzoli” surgical hospital has steadily grown since it was established in 1947 on the banks of Lake Garda.
The hospital was planning a new wing, with reconstructed surgical wards, 4 new theatres, intensive care units, a health center and other specialist rooms and areas.
But expanding and building new wings is always a challenge for a hospital, particularly when it comes to fire prevention.
Hospitals are packed with in-patients who have difficulty walking. So in the event of a fire, it’s important to have a fast response from fire protection systems.
Hospital engineering systems are also very complex. At the “Dott. Pederzoli” hospital, there were more than 350 service pipes and cables. These had to be firestopped to the smallest seal, to resist temperatures of more than 850°C for 60 to 120 minutes.
Our Hilti solution
The plant engineering company Alpiq Intec Verona SpA chose our Hilti firestop systems to install throughout the hospital’s new 5 storey building. This included our expert firestop installation service, using a Hilti Firestop Installer onsite.
Within a matter of weeks, Impianti Srl (the Udine-based Hilti Firestop Installer) had completed the work on more than 350 seals for complex wall and floor slab holes. These were also in inconvenient positions due to false-ceilings and pre-installed bundles of pipes, with very limited working space.
A wide range of our Hilti firestop products were used on the build:
- For larger openings with bundles of pipes and ducts - Hilti CFS-CT B boards
- For combustible pipes and pipes with bends – Hilti CFS-C EL endless collar and CFS-CP collars
- For insulated metal pipes – Hilti CFS-B bandage
- For smaller, simpler electric cable holes – Hilti CFS-F FX foam and Hilti CFS-IS intumescent sealant
When the work was finished, the Project Manager (Studio Protecno) and the owner were given documentation, drafted using our Hilti Firestop Documentation Manager software.